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Saturday, September 17, 2022

12:30 PM  
International Talk Like A Pirate Day Sail & Dinner Social


South Coast Sailing Adventures invites ye, yer beauties ‘n yer bilge rats to join us for a day sail on Galveston Bay.  Awards gunna be given fer winnin’ th’ best scurvy pirate joke, ‘n best scurvy pirate hat! After th' sail join us on th' patio fer a dinner social. Th' SCSC will provide the main entrée; bring yer best appetizer, side dish or dessert to share! Ye be getting’ another chance to win pirate's booty in the Culinary Delight Contest. Call or click below to register.  Smartly, me buccaneers and wenches – the boats be fillin’ up! 


12:30 pm     Check in at South Coast Sailing Adventures.   

  1:00 pm     Meet at the dock for a short Captain’s briefing.

  5:00 pm     Return to th’ dock, spit shine n’ secure the boats.

  5:30 pm     Head to the patio fer yer portion of grog ‘n dinner.

Bring ye dish to share. Our refrigerator gunna keep it fresh while ye sail.  BYOB. 

Be there or we’ll make ye walk th’ plank! 

Public $85  Club Members $70

Click here to register!


South Coast Sailing Adventures

913 N. Meyer Avenue, Seabrook, TX 77586

Latitude: 29° 56.1'  N
Longitude: 95° 02.5' W




Copyright © 2024 South Coast Sailing Adventures