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Friday, November 25, 2022

09:00 AM  
Black Friday

10:00 AM  
Black Friday Sail On Sale


Share the cost of one of our fine charter vessels with other sailing enthusiasts. Hone your navigation, sail trimming, and other skills as you cruise Galveston Bay. For those of you that don’t know how to sail, this is a relaxed environment with people of all skill levels.

Shop early, then join us afterwards for our event. Don't miss the boat!


9:30am     Check in at SCSA; complete skipper & crew briefing

10:00am   Depart the dock for an afternoon sail

2:00pm     Return to the dock; secure and clean the boat


Public:  $75

Club Members:  $60

Register HERE.


South Coast Sailing Adventures

913 N. Meyer Avenue, Seabrook, TX 77586

Latitude: 29° 56.1'  N
Longitude: 95° 02.5' W




Copyright © 2024 South Coast Sailing Adventures